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1)Don t+動詞原形。 Don tbecareless.別粗心。 Don tbelateagain.不要再遲到。 Don tletthemplaywithfire.別讓他們玩火。 Don tlookatyourbooks.不要看書。 2)Let引起的祈使句的否定形式。 a.Let s(Letsb.)+not+動
等比句 句型[主語(主體)+謂語+as+形容詞/副詞+as+被比對象] 1. He is as tall as I (am). 2. This window is just as wide as that one. 3. This is just as good an example as the other. 4. Does John work
1. 兩相關聯(lián) 句型[ two : one , (and) the other ]/[ two : one , (and) another ] 1. There are two books on the table: one is Chinese and the other, English. 2. Every time you breathe, you breathe tw
雙重被動句 句型[主語+被動式謂語+被動不定式+其他] 1.The date is expected to be announced soon. 2.The gate was ordered to be closed at nine o clock. 3.The books are not allowed to be taken out of the r
It引導的被動句 句型[It+被動式謂語+名詞/形容詞+實際主語(不定式、動名詞)+其他] 1.It was considered a shame to cheat in examination. 2. It was found difficult for us to understand him. 3. It would b
基式被動句 句型[主語+(特殊定式動詞)+be+過去分詞 +by+施動者] 1. We have been greatly encouraged by Lei Feng s example. 2. Smoking is not permitted in this theatre. 3. How the steel was tempered? 4
各種數(shù)目概念表示法 句型[exactly等整數(shù)限制語+數(shù)詞(數(shù)字)]/[數(shù)詞(數(shù)字)+exactly等整數(shù)限制語] 1. The cloth measures ten yards exactly. 2. It is now exactly ten o clock. 3. I shall be just eighteen
一般疑問句 句型[特殊定式動詞+主語+(not)謂語+其他] 1. Are you going with us? - Yes, I m. 2. Have you had any news of your horse this morning? - Yes, he s fit as a fiddle. 3. Do you like your
一般祈使句 句型[(呼語),(Don t)動詞原形+(賓語)+其他] 1. Study, study and once more study. 2. Working men of all countries, unite! 3. Learn from comrade Lei Feng. 4. Don t forget it. 5. Come h
一般判斷句 句型[主語+系詞be+表語] 1.Knowledge is power. 2. What s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine. 3. Who are you? - It is I. 4. Who is I ? - Pinocchio. 5. He is a good eater and a go
雙重否定句 句型19[主語+否定式謂語 +否定詞/含否定意義的詞+其他] 1. He doesn t lend his book to nobody. 2. You can t make something out of nothing. 3. I ll take it then. Not for nothing. I ll give yo
延續(xù)否定句 句型11[(前句)否定句,+(后句)否定句] 1. Oh, no, no, no and again no, said Pinocchio. I must be a good boy. 2. Am I troubling you? - no, not in the least. 3. I shall never do it,
部分否定句 句型7[All, every等總括詞 not+謂語動詞 ] 1. All is not gold that glitters. 2. All is not lost that is in peril. 3. And yet all did not go smoothly between them, for the younger man had hi
1. 一般否定句 句型1[主語+特殊定式動詞+not+行為動詞或表語+其他] 1. China of today is not what it was thirty years ago. 2. Isn t that Teddy Thomson out? - I think it s him, but I can t be a hundred
句型1[(前句)否定句,+(后句)否定句] 1. Oh, no, no, no and again no, said Pinocchio. I must be a good boy. 2. Am I troubling you? - no, not in the least. 3. I shall never do it, not under any cir
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