來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2023-08-15 16:17:05
1. 連詞的選擇;2. 語序:任何從句都使用陳述句語序,賓語從句當(dāng)然也不例外。3. 時態(tài) ①當(dāng)主句是現(xiàn)在時態(tài)時,賓語從句可以根據(jù)需要使用任何時態(tài);②當(dāng)主句是過去時態(tài)時,賓語從句必須是一種過去的時態(tài);③當(dāng)表示客觀事實(shí)或普遍真理的句子做賓語從句時,任何時候都用一般現(xiàn)在時。
1.It’ssodark. Ican’tfind out it’saboy agirl.
A.if,and B. that,and
C.either,or D.whether,or
2.Could youtellmeifhe toShanghai?
A. hasgone B. had gone C.went D.go
3.Hetoldme she would catchthe earlybus.
A.which B. whether C. why D.that
4.Mrs.Greenaskedme I would go with her.
A.what B. which C. why D.that
5.Idon’tknow thecoat cheapenough.
A. if,is B. where,were C.that,was D.if,were
6.Canyoutellmewhy yesterday?
A.you didn’t come B.didyou notcome
C.didn’tyou come D.you don’t come
7.Hesaidthat they Yunnan.
A. havebeen to B.had gone to
C.have gone to D.hasgoneto
8.Jackisn’tsure students thereareinhisclass.
A. howmany B. what C.which D.whether
9.Canyoutellme yesterday?
A.whatthey do B. what they did
C.what dotheydo D.what didthey do
10.Iwanttoknow hishomeworkyesterday evening.
A. ifhefinished B.whether hehadfinished
C.hadshefinished D.hasshe finished
11.Doyou know what thistimeyesterday?
A. they aredoing B.arethey doing
C.they weredoing D.were they doing
12.Excuseme,canyoutellme ?
A.why wasthetrainlate B.why thetrainwaslate
C. why isthetrain late D. why thetrain is late
13.Do you know where ? Someoneislooking for him.
A. heis B.he was C.ishe D.washe
14.Hewanted toknowhowlong inhospital.
A.she is staying B. shehadstayed
C.did she stay D.she stay
15.LiLeitold Jim .
A. howmuchyuan is thesweater
C.howmuchthesweater is
D.howmuchthe sweater was
16.He toldmethathe toLondonthe next day.
A.would go B.go C. went D.hasgone
17.Hesaid thatlight muchfasterthansound.
A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D.istraveling
18.Ourteacher said thatthemoon around theearth.
A. turn B.turned C.hasturned D.turns
19.Hesaid thatApril the monthofa year.
A. is,third B.is, fourth C. was,fourth D.was,third
20.Do you know ?
A. is itwhose pen B. whose penisit
C.whose penitis D. itis whose pen
21. Canyou tellme ?
A.whoareyou B. whoyouare
C. youarewho D.whoyou be
22.Do you know ofthethree?
A.which bookshe likesbest
B.which bestbook doesshelike
C.that whichbookshelikesbest
D.which bookshe bestlikes
23.Ihear the teacher will comebackfromthe UK soon.
A.which B.that C.when D.whether
24. Canyou tellme languageshespeaks?
A.which B. what C.that D.whether
25. Canyou tellus you grow cotton inyour country?
A. that B. whether C. which D.whose
26.Idon’tunderstand yousaid.
A.when B.that C. where D.what
27.Do you know themeeting will begin?
A.when B.that C. where D.what
28. Canyou tellme themeetingwill begin?
A.what B.whether C. when D.where
29. surprisedmemostwas hedidn’t gotoschoolyesterday.
A.What, how B.What,that C.That,that D.Whom,that
30.Iwondered theyhadbeen toAmerica.
A. if B.what C. who D. that
31. Canyou tellme Mr.Green livesinRoom2318?
A. that B. where C.until D.if
32.Do you know Jack left soearly?
A.what B. why C.until D.though
33.Theywill be thankfulfor you havedone.
A.what B.that C.which D.who
34.The boy asked howfar the moon fromthe earth.
A.was B. were C. is D.was
35.Itold themthatthesun intheeast.
A.rises B.rose C.has risten D.wasrising
36.Youmustremember thetrain .
A. that,leaves B.when,leaves
C.when,willleave D. if,leave
37.Do you know shewill gotothecinemawithus?
A. if B. where C.who D.which
38.The children said they themselvesverymuch.
A. if,enjoy B. why,enjoyed
C. where,enjoy D.that,enjoyed
39.Idon’tthink I outthe problem.
A. if,canwork B. how,will work
C.that, canwork D.when, willwork
40.Sheisafraid he acold atnight.
A. that,will catch B.that, catches
C. whether,will catch D.is, catches
41.Wearesure he to speakEnglishwell.
A. that,learned B. that,haslearned
C.if, learned D.if, haslearned
42.The boy asked I anynoise fromoutside.
A.when, heard B. why,hadheard
C.whether,hadheard D.what, heard
43.Who cantell us about over there?
A.whatthey talk B. whatdo they talk
C. whatare they talkingD. what they are talking
44.Wecouldn’tfind out ,so weasked apoliceman.
A.whosebikeitwas B.whose bikewasit
C. whoseitwasbike D.whosewasitbike
45.Do you know taketo gettothe hospital?
A.whichway mustwe B.whichmustweway
C. whichwaywemust D.which wemustway
46.Tomasked to schoollate.
A.whodid oftencome B. who often came
C. whyhadsheleft D.why she had left
47.Idon’tremember theboy byhimself.
A.why did she leave B.why she left
C. why hadsheleft D.why she had left
48.Have youforgotten when hedied?
A. how oldhewas B.how oldwas he
C. whatdid hesay D. what hedidsay
49.Nobody knows tovisitourschool.
A.whenwill become B. when doeshe come
C. when he willcome D.when hedoescome
50.Pleasetell us totheScience Museum.
A. how can wereach B.howwecanreach
C.how can weget D. howwecan get
1.D2.A3. D4. C5. A6.A7.B 8.A9.B 10.A
11.C12.B 13.A14. B15.D16.A17. C18.D19. B 20.C
31.D32.B33.A34. C35.A36. B 37.A38.D39.C40.A